Extreme amplification has occurred in Monet, and the sign of it is the black vomit.
The black vomit blew up around the scope and out of Monet's mouth.
She may have been splattered with the nun's blood or with black vomit.
The fourth type was the black vomit, or the yellow jack.
The tongue's skin may be torn off during rushes of the black vomit.
The man stopped throwing up but remained in the same position, sitting up, head hanging forward, dead eyes staring at the black vomit.
The scourge of black vomit never returned to the city.
A characteristic sign of death was black vomit, which salivation seemed to ward off.
Regiments came out and within a few months half the men were dead from the black vomit.
Now they would get the black vomit, as well as having the plague, and anyway what authority had the pilot to give such orders?