Net contributers are above average earners, I'm certainly not going without essentials to pay my taxes and I can't see how others on good pay would be either.
Your attitude is distasteful, divisive, and perpetuates the problems that face your average earner and equally hard earner.
Social Security's progressive benefit formula provides higher than average earners with a less generous rate of return than lower earners receive.
National insurance contributions now have a ceiling: higher earners pay no more than average earners.
What is life like in the squeezed middle for average earners, and do they feel valued for the work they do?
The average earner will be paying huge mortgage payments and taxes - what will be left?
The average earner represents a worker who earned the average of covered workers under Social Security each year.
Safety Players - They are average earners and most of their money goes into safe and secure investments.
But they get a 'C' for movies, where in seven years they basically went from an average earner to a loss operation.
The majority of owners are above average earners, however, and if higher taxes reduce take-home pay, they will find it harder to take on larger loans.