Sadly, there are Flashmans few to adorn our gloomy times, and in a world now awash with mawkishness and emotional promiscuity, it becomes ever harder to attach real blame or give due credit.
Reaffirms Soviet Ties President Assad did not specifically attach blame to Moscow.
The 1928 accident inquiry did not attach blame to the Southern Railway for track maintenance or locomotive performance issues, and noted that the prototype had run for eight years over the same stretch of line without complaint.
By contrast, in Bear's version, Capt. Murphy is attaching blame to someone else .
Ms. Sultan lapsed into what she called a deep depression, and after three years she and her husband agreed to divorce, a rare and humiliating event in the Afghan community and one that often attaches blame to the woman.
I would not accept our system as being at fault; instead, I attached blame to individuals within the system.
What was also missing, in the immediate aftermath, was the impulse to demand answers or attach blame.
Skinner was a good engineer in spite of his indifference, good enough to know what he ought to have done and to realize the possible disaster that might arise from what he had not done, but he nevertheless attached little blame to himself.
New Delhi today strongly condemned the bus bombings, but did not attach blame.
We must get really actively involved, without attaching blame to one side or the other, and that is a demand I make not only of the Commission, but also of the Council.