The Sounding Board, a nonprofit folk music organization, sponsors the event each year, offering Saturday workshops with professional performers during the day and a concert at 5 P.M.
The internal suggestion blog within State is called the Sounding Board and their internal professional networking software called "Corridor" is in beta test.
"The Sounding Board: The Battle of Boulez: The Defense Rallies Its Forces and Launches a Strong Counterattack".
Tomorrow at 8 P.M. Tickets, $9; $7 for members of the Sounding Board.
"The Sounding Board: Stockhausen Works Performed at UCLA".
The college newspaper, "The Sounding Board," is published weekly.
The Sounding Board is an intranet blog developed and launched in February 2009 by staff from the State Department's Office of eDiplomacy.
The Sounding Board is an internal platform (discussion forum) for State Department employees to exchange ideas, while DipNote is the Secretary of State's blog on the internet.
He stated that the Sounding Board, which had been sold to us as a bottom-up tool for employee ideas in early 2009, was primarily a "cathartic" outlet for employees.
"The Sounding Board: Strange Music Heard at Monday Concert".