The strangers wondered at first, till they came to understand that she was the Lady Bountiful who had stretched her helpful hands to them.
You're not going to do the Lady Bountiful to me!
Lurene's sweetness is real, but her self-image includes a bit too much of Lady Bountiful.
Yet she was always Lady Bountiful to people outside her family.
A Lady Bountiful has to be careful of her reputation.
Though acting as Lady Bountiful to her miners and their families, she was pleased at how cheap this could be.
Lady Bountiful sank down to sit beside him.
But Lady Bountiful jumped to her feet and ran toward the winding downward path.
Beaubras frowned, but Lady Bountiful seemed to find nothing amiss.
She became known to the press as Lady Bountiful of the Bowery.