
"I've" auf Deutsch — Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch | Werfen Sie einen Blick auf "I've" auf Englisch

  1. ich habe


  1. die Abkürzung von 'I have' (nur wenn 'have' als Modalverb verwendet ist)
  1. wir haben
  1. sie haben
Unregelmäßige Formen: had past tense, had past participle
  1. haben, besitzen
    I have two brothers and a sister. (Ich habe zwei Brüder und eine Schwester.)
    Have you got a camera? (Hast du einen Fotoapparat?)
    That's all I've got to say. (Das ist alles, was ich zu sagen habe.)
Unregelmäßige Formen: had past tense, had past participle
  1. haben
  2. haben (Zeit)
  3. bekommen
  4. haben (z.B. zu essen, zu trinken)
  5. haben, ab und zu haben (z.B. Kopfschmerzen)
  1. etw beinhalten, etw haben


  1. die Abkürzung von "have" (als Modalverb)
  1. du hast
  2. ihr habt
  1. die Abkürzung von "we have" (nur, wenn "have" als Modalverb gilt)
  1. die Abkürzung von 'you have' (nur wenn 'have' als Modalverb verwendet ist)
  1. die Abkürzung von 'they have' (nur wenn 'have' als Modalverb verwendet ist)

Weitere Redewendungen — "I've"

I must say spoken , I have to say spoken = ich muss sagen, dass
have something on = etw anhaben +2 Bedeutungen
I have to go. = Ich muss gehen.
Verb mit Präposition
have something on = ich bin schon beschäftigt
have to do something = müssen, etw zu machen
Siehe auch: behavehave to do with somebody, be to do with somebodyhave something to do with somethingI've been injured.have something to say about somethinghave in mindso I've heardI've been robbed.have something in mindI've got diarrhoea., I've got diarrhea.I've got a problem.I've got a cold.I've got the flu.I've got a fever.I've got a headache.I've sprained my ankle., I've twisted my ankle.I've cut my finger.I've got a rash.I've got a toothache.I've lost a filling.I've broken a tooth.I've made a decision.I've got a question.I've lost my wallet.I've never been there.I've got a cough.I've got nothing smaller.I've hailed a taxi.I've lost my passport.I've got news for youI've missed you so much.I'm sorry I've interrupted you.I've got nothing to wear.I've got a high fever.I've got a sore throat.I've got a dry cough.I've got a wet cough.I've got a stomach ache.I've got high blood pressure.I've got low blood pressure.I've made up my mind.I've got an aunt here., I have an aunt here.I've stained my best shirt.have something in commonWe have to fill in a document to explain the robbery details.You have to go with this attestation to the ticket officer.You have to show this ticket in the ticket office.We have to wait for him., We've got to wait for him.You have to go with us to the police station.We have to carry out an investigation.You have to pay the duty on that.You have to call a locksmith.You have to go to counter 25 to check-in.You have to contact the bank.have somebody by the short and curlies, have somebody by the short hairshave one's name in lightsbehave yourselfhave something on the brain, have something on your mindhave something on the tip of your tonguehave one's nerves on edgehave one's eyes on somethinghave one's wits about oneself, keep one's wits about oneselfhave somebody's blood on your handshave something in your pockethave something finishedhave an off dayhave something in your sightshave something donekeep somebody on a leash, have somebody on a leashhave somebody first refusal on something, give somebody first refusal on somethinghave what it takes