Many Web pages are designed with more than just the basic HTML (hypertext markup language) coding.
Workbench 2.1 introduced also a standard hypertext markup language for easily building guides for the user or help files, or manuals.
At that job, she also decided to teach herself hypertext markup language, the programming language of the Web.
Like many Web builders, he created the site while teaching himself HTML, the hypertext markup language used to format it.
HTML5 is the next iteration of hypertext markup language.
No more need to learn HTML, or hypertext markup language.
Frequently, though, the bugs resulted from his Javascript code reacting unpredictably when imbedded in the hypertext markup language of Navigator.
The days when creating a Web site required knowledge of hypertext markup language, or HTML, are long gone.
The technology has become a standard feature in the software for coding Web pages, called hypertext markup language.
The new approach incorporates the Web's hypertext markup language into the Windows 95 operating system.