Scientists have a pretty good idea why Easter Islanders built the moai.
In this article, we'll learn about the Easter Islanders' sophisticated civilization and their rapid descent into ruin.
For instance, what were Easter Islanders saying as they cut down the last tree on their island?
Nevertheless, Easter Islanders did succeed in getting enough water for drinking, cooking, and growing crops, but it took effort.
Chileans prize their palm today for several reasons, and Easter Islanders would have done so as well.
Why were Easter Islanders unique, or nearly so, in destroying every tree?
Our situation today differs in important respects from that of Easter Islanders in the 17th century.
Easter Islanders would like to restrict tourists for fear of damage to the statues there.
It has been estimated that a total of 2000 Easter Islanders were captured over a period of years.
Are modern humans smarter than the ancient Easter Islanders?