"weekly" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

weekly Adjektiv

weekly + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 224
weekly newspaper • weekly magazine • weekly column • weekly basis • weekly auction • weekly series • weekly meeting • ...
4. weekly column = tygodniowa kolumna weekly column
6. weekly basis = tygodniowa podstawa weekly basis
7. weekly series = tygodniowa seria weekly series
8. weekly meeting = cotygodniowe spotkanie weekly meeting
9. weekly paper = tygodniowy papier weekly paper
10. weekly publication = tygodniowa publikacja weekly publication
11. weekly report = sprawozdanie tygodniowe weekly report
12. weekly discussion = tygodniowa dyskusja weekly discussion
14. weekly service = tygodniowa usługa weekly service
15. weekly market = tygodniowy rynek weekly market
16. weekly conversation = tygodniowa rozmowa weekly conversation
17. weekly look = tygodniowe spojrzenie weekly look
18. weekly note = tygodniowa notatka weekly note
19. weekly visit = tygodniowa wizyta weekly visit
20. weekly download = tygodniowe pobieranie danych weekly download
21. weekly newsletter = tygodniowy biuletyn weekly newsletter
22. weekly session = tygodniowa sesja weekly session
23. weekly flight = lot kursujący raz na tydzień weekly flight
  • It will offer six weekly flights in each direction.
  • The service was planned to start in November 2010 with two flights weekly.
  • To meet that deadline, officials will increase the number of weekly flights to five.
  • There are several weekly flights, but only one a day at the most.
  • By next spring, the airline plans to move to four weekly flights.
  • The growth in weekly flights to 28 large cities was 61 percent between 1978 and 1989, the study said.
  • To be successful, though, it would need to run like a commercial airline and make weekly flights.
  • It will remove all restrictions on routes, prices, or the number of weekly flights between the two parties to the agreement.
  • It has already reduced to 7 its previous 11 weekly flights to New York.
  • Two weekly flights are now in operation, and a third is to be added on Dec. 4.
25. weekly podcast = tygodniowy podcast weekly podcast
26. weekly event = tygodniowe wydarzenie weekly event
27. weekly journal = tygodniowe czasopismo weekly journal
28. weekly broadcast = tygodniowy program weekly broadcast
29. weekly chart = tygodniowy wykres weekly chart
30. weekly wage = tygodniowe zarobki weekly wage
31. weekly schedule = tygodniowy harmonogram weekly schedule
32. weekly income = dochód tygodniowy weekly income
33. weekly class = tygodniowa klasa weekly class
34. weekly episode = tygodniowe wydarzenie weekly episode
35. weekly earnings = tygodniowe zarobki weekly earnings
36. weekly edition = tygodniowa edycja weekly edition
37. weekly salary = tygodniowa pensja weekly salary
38. weekly segment = tygodniowy segment weekly segment
39. weekly feature = tygodniowa cecha weekly feature
40. weekly survey = tygodniowe badanie weekly survey
41. weekly trip = cotygodniowa podróż weekly trip
42. weekly circulation = nakład tygodniowy weekly circulation
43. weekly game = tygodniowa gra weekly game
weekly + Präposition
Kolokacji: 5
weekly in • weekly on • weekly for • weekly with • weekly at

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