"total" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

total Substantiv

Substantiv + total
Kolokacji: 181
career total • sum total • season total • total of several points • total of several votes • total of several games • total of several people • ...
total + Verb
Kolokacji: 49
total includes • total competes • total participates • total attends • total contests • ...
Verb + total
Kolokacji: 83
total is cast • total is built • add to one's total • increase one's total • play for a total • score a total • receive a total • spend a total • ...
1. add to one's total = zwiększać czyjś suma add to one's total
2. increase one's total = wzrastać czyjś suma increase one's total
3. match one's total = mecz czyjś suma match one's total
6. total is registered = suma zostanie zarejestrowana total is registered
7. equal one's total = dorównywać czyjś suma equal one's total
8. total is affected = na sumę wpływają total is affected
  • A total of 19 families were affected by the deflagration.
  • Thus, it said, a total of 180,000 children will be affected.
  • An estimated total of 9000 people were affected in the country.
  • A total of 73,000 people were affected by the cyclone in the city.
  • A total of 75,632 people were affected by the storm.
  • Because the dropout rate remains high, the total has barely been affected.
  • A total of 27 patients were affected; one patient died.
  • A total of 1,285,508 people were affected by the storm throughout the country.
  • A total of seven states have been affected across the country.
  • A total of 50,000 people were affected from the depression in Mexico.
9. contribute to the total = przyczyń się do sumy contribute to the total
(5) spend, use, occupy
Kolokacji: 3
(9) kill, die, destroy, finish
Kolokacji: 4
(11) provide, serve, offer, assist
Kolokacji: 5
Adjektiv + total
Kolokacji: 62
combined total • grand total • low total • high total • worldwide total • final total • ...
Präposition + total
Kolokacji: 11
in total • for a total • with a total • by a total • to a total • ...

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