"piece" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

piece Substantiv

Substantiv + piece
Kolokacji: 207
artillery piece • set piece • opinion piece • companion piece • museum piece • chess piece • theater piece • piano piece • period piece • ...
piece + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 5
piece band • piece resistance • piece orchestra • piece rate • Pieces Op
piece + Verb
Kolokacji: 153
piece falls • piece includes • piece comes • piece makes • piece begins • piece fits • piece goes • piece says • piece appears • ...
Verb + piece
Kolokacji: 156
feature pieces • contain pieces • compose pieces • collect pieces • sell pieces • include pieces • piece called • add pieces • ...
  • Since then he has collected over 200 pieces of art.
  • I thought you'd likely come from her, to collect his bits and pieces.
  • Collect (or craft) pieces of equipment for every available unit and building in the game.
  • He utilized his fine artistic taste and love for collecting pieces of art.
  • Collect bits and pieces of things or objects in their favorite colors.
  • "A new generation is trying to collect the alternative woods, or at least pieces of the highest quality," he said.
  • When you are listening to the language by collecting pieces of paper, that's fine, but now it's as if we can hear everything said anywhere.
  • The pieces most easily collected today are from the 19th century, when shellwork became widely popular.
  • "I collect little pieces now," she admits after much prodding.
  • They find out she is collecting little pieces of old tech and flying them off to a mysterious destination.
6. piece called = kawałek zadzwonił piece called
8. add pieces = dodaj kawałki add pieces
10. consist of several pieces = składaj się z kilku kawałków consist of several pieces
11. read one's piece = czytać czyjś kawałek read one's piece
12. piece set = kawałek umieścił piece set
13. send pieces = wyślij kawałki send pieces
14. piece titled = kawałek zatytułował piece titled
15. hear pieces = usłysz kawałki hear pieces
17. tear to pieces = rozerwij na strzępy tear to pieces
18. cut into pieces = pociąć na kawałki cut into pieces
19. piece entitled = kawałek zatytułował piece entitled
20. fall to pieces = rozpaść się na kawałki fall to pieces
21. blow to pieces = uderzenie na kawałki blow to pieces
22. own a piece = posiadaj kawałek own a piece
26. cut to pieces = pociąć na kawałki cut to pieces
33. contribute pieces = przeznacz kawałki contribute pieces
37. want a piece = chciej kawałek want a piece
40. piece is removed = kawałek jest usunięty piece is removed
43. go to pieces = rozlecieć się na kawałki go to pieces
44. piece is placed = kawałek jest umieszczony piece is placed
47. bring a piece = przynieś kawałek bring a piece
50. piece is moved = kawałek jest przeniesiony piece is moved
52. piece inspired = kawałek zainspirował piece inspired
53. get in one piece = dostań w całości get in one piece
56. pull a piece = pociągnij za kawałek pull a piece
57. throw a piece = rzuć kawałkiem throw a piece
58. divide into several pieces = podział do kilku kawałków divide into several pieces
59. serve pieces = obsłuż kawałki serve pieces
60. piece is considered = kawałek jest uznawany piece is considered
61. leave a piece = zostaw kawałek leave a piece
62. drop a piece = upuść kawałek drop a piece
Adjektiv + piece
Kolokacji: 530
small piece • large piece • little piece • single piece • short piece • big piece • tiny piece • final piece • particular piece • ...
Präposition + piece
Kolokacji: 25
into pieces • to pieces • including pieces • by piece • between pieces • ...

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