"most" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

most Adverb

Verb + most
Kolokacji: 145
matter most • most affected • benefit most • most visited • most admired • most watch • most associated • most needed • most want • ...
1. matter most = sprawa najbardziej matter most
2. most affected = najbardziej wpłynąć most affected
3. benefit most = korzyść najbardziej benefit most
4. most visited = najbardziej odwiedzony most visited
5. most admired = najbardziej podziwiany most admired
6. most watch = najwięcej zegarka most watch
  • It is one of the most watched shows in the country.
  • "60 Minutes" was the most watched show of the week.
  • It was the 14th most watched program of the weekend.
  • By the third series, it had become one of the most widely watched television shows in the world.
  • Nature is one of the most watched documentary series in the world.
  • But the most watched chapter was the last, going to 56 points.
  • It is the 5th most watched show on Mexican television.
  • It is the daily full page section of this paper and the most watched.
  • The premier was the most watched show ever on tr3s.
  • This is one of the most watched news programs in Poland.
7. most needed = najbardziej potrzebowany most needed
8. most associated = najbardziej powiązany most associated
9. most want = najbardziej chcieć most want
10. most noted = najbardziej zauważony most noted
11. most regarded = najbardziej wzięty pod uwagę most regarded
12. most used = najbardziej używany most used
13. most recognized = najbardziej rozpoznany most recognized
14. most feared = najbardziej bać się most feared
15. most cited = najbardziej zacytowany most cited
16. love most = miłość najbardziej love most
17. most spoken = najbardziej mówiony most spoken
18. most known = najbardziej znany most known
19. most traded = najbardziej wymieniony most traded
20. most held = najbardziej trzymany most held
21. most seen = najbardziej zobaczony most seen
22. suffer most = najbardziej ucierp suffer most
23. remember most = zapamiętaj najbardziej remember most
24. most enjoyed = najbardziej lubiany most enjoyed
25. most influenced = najbardziej wpłynąć most influenced
26. most identified = najbardziej zidentyfikowany most identified
27. feel most = poczuj najbardziej feel most
28. most valued = najbardziej wyceniony most valued
29. most viewed = najbardziej obejrzany most viewed
30. most debated = najbardziej debatowany most debated
31. miss most = opuść najbardziej miss most
32. most studied = najbardziej studiowany most studied
33. most desired = najbardziej zapragnąć most desired
34. like most = tak jak najbardziej like most
35. most found = najbardziej zakładać most found
36. contribute most = przyczyń się najbardziej contribute most
37. most played = najbardziej zagrany most played
38. most suited = najbardziej odpowiadać most suited
39. most reported = najbardziej poinformowany most reported
40. most appreciated = najbardziej doceniony most appreciated
41. most resemble = najbardziej być podobnym most resemble
42. most look = najbardziej patrzeć most look
43. think most = pomyśl najbardziej think most
most + Adjektiv
Kolokacji: 1822
most important • most popular • most famous • most successful • most common • most recent • most powerful • most likely • ...

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