"father" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

father Substantiv

Substantiv + father
Kolokacji: 44
Church Father • father of several children • father of several sons • father of several daughters • God Father • city father • ...
father + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 59
father figure • Father Christmas • Father Time • father John • Father Ted • ...
father + Verb
Kolokacji: 487
father dies • father owns • father teaches • father insists • father abandons • father stands • father sits • father tells • father retires • ...
11. father retires = ojciec przechodzi na emeryturę father retires
15. father buys = ojciec kupuje father buys
18. father refuses = śmiecie ojca father refuses
19. father suffers = ojciec cierpi father suffers
22. father moves = ojciec rusza się father moves
25. father asks = ojciec pyta father asks
31. father marries = ojciec bierze ślub father marries
32. father fights = walki ojca father fights
34. father serves = serwy ojca father serves
35. father plays = ojciec gra father plays
43. father spends = ojciec wydaje father spends
45. father sells = ojciec sprzedaje father sells
47. father turns = ojciec obraca się father turns
48. father arrives = ojciec przybywa father arrives
50. father loses = ojciec przegrywa father loses
51. father keeps = ojciec trzyma father keeps
52. father talks = ojciec rozmawia father talks
53. father agrees = ojciec zgadza się father agrees
54. father joins = złącza ojca father joins
55. father remarries = ojciec powtórnie wychodzi za mąż father remarries
60. father gets = ojciec dostaje father gets
61. father finds = ojciec znajduje father finds
62. father puts = ojciec kładzie father puts
64. father pays = ojciec płaci father pays
65. father passes = ojciec mija father passes
66. father helps = ojciec pomaga father helps
69. father meets = ojciec spotyka father meets
71. father sees = ojciec widzi father sees
74. father lets = okresy wynajmu ojca father lets
75. father receives = ojciec otrzymuje father receives
76. father drives = ojciec prowadzi father drives
77. father opens = świeże powietrza ojca father opens
78. father appears = ojciec pojawia się father appears
81. father hears = ojciec słyszy father hears
82. father seems = ojciec wydaje się father seems
84. father wins = ojciec wygrywa father wins
85. father chooses = ojciec wybiera father chooses
86. father falls = ojciec spada father falls
87. father arranges = ojciec organizuje father arranges
88. father walks = ojciec chodzi father walks
89. father shows = ojciec pokazuje father shows
91. father continues = ojciec kontynuuje father continues
92. father allows = ojciec pozwala father allows
93. father attends = ojciec jest obecny father attends
94. father explains = ojciec wyjaśnia father explains
95. father emigrates = ojciec emigruje father emigrates
97. father becomes = ojciec zostaje father becomes
99. trained by one's father = wyszkolony przez czyjś ojciec trained by one's father
Verb + father
Kolokacji: 295
kill one's father • see one's father • tell one's father • know one's father • call one's father • inherit from one's father • ...
Adjektiv + father
Kolokacji: 158
biological father • loving father • Devoted father • adoptive father • abusive father • beloved father • late father • dead father • ...
Präposition + father
Kolokacji: 44
of one's father • with one's father • to one's father • from one's father • for one's father • ...

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