"expert" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

expert Substantiv

Substantiv + expert
Kolokacji: 214
industry expert • health expert • security expert • computer expert • policy expert • art expert • safety expert • Sports Expert • ...
1. industry expert = specjalista przemysłu industry expert
2. health expert = specjalista zdrowotny health expert
3. security expert = specjalista związany z bezpieczeństwem security expert
4. computer expert = specjalista w dziedzinie informatyki computer expert
  • Actually writing such a program, computer experts note, would not be all that difficult.
  • Some of my patients have been lawyers and computer experts.
  • I had to turn to my husband (the computer expert) for help.
  • One does not need to be a computer expert to follow the way he goes about it.
  • I've found out that most computer experts aren't very expert.
  • "But it can't hurt to have a computer expert come in and talk to you."
  • That would do for a description of a computer expert.
  • Finally the computer expert and his crew get to the bottom of things.
  • I'm not exactly up on the technology but I know the computer experts can get a lot out of these things.
5. policy expert = specjalista polityczny policy expert
6. art expert = specjalista sztuki art expert
7. safety expert = specjalista bezpieczeństwa safety expert
8. Sports Expert = Sporty Specjalista Sports Expert
9. tax expert = rzeczoznawca w sprawach podatkowych tax expert
10. education expert = specjalista edukacyjny education expert
11. marketing expert = ekspert w dziedzinie marketingu, specjalista ds. marketingu marketing expert
13. labor expert = specjalista pracy labor expert
14. aviation expert = specjalista lotniczy aviation expert
15. wine expert = specjalista winny wine expert
17. explosives expert = materiały wybuchowe specjalista explosives expert
18. terrorism expert = specjalista terroryzmu terrorism expert
19. energy expert = specjalista energetyczny energy expert
20. estate expert = specjalista majątku estate expert
22. cancer expert = specjalista związany z rakiem cancer expert
23. AIDS expert = AIDS specjalista AIDS expert
24. trade expert = specjalista handlowy trade expert
25. defense expert = specjalista obrony defense expert
26. media expert = specjalista medialny media expert
27. management expert = specjalista dotyczący zarządzania management expert
28. law expert = specjalista prawa law expert
29. budget expert = specjalista budżetowy budget expert
30. wildlife expert = specjalista fauny i flory wildlife expert
31. matter expert = specjalista sprawy matter expert
32. drug expert = specjalista narkotykowy drug expert
33. demolition expert = specjalista związany z rozbiórką demolition expert
35. handwriting expert = ekspert grafolog handwriting expert
36. banking expert = bankowiec banking expert
37. oil expert = specjalista naftowy oil expert
38. technology expert = specjalista techniki technology expert
40. nutrition expert = specjalista odżywiania nutrition expert
expert + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 65
expert witness • expert panel • expert advice • expert system • expert opinion • expert testimony • ...
expert + Verb
Kolokacji: 149
expert says • expert believes • expert agrees • expert predicts • expert estimates • expert suggests • expert recommends • ...
Verb + expert
Kolokacji: 35
ask experts • hire experts • consult experts • include experts • consider an expert • ...
Adjektiv + expert
Kolokacji: 112
legal expert • medical expert • outside expert • military expert • independent expert • technical expert • financial expert • ...
Präposition + expert
Kolokacji: 12
among experts • by experts • of experts • to experts • from experts • ...

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