"empire" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

empire Substantiv

Substantiv + empire
Kolokacji: 66
business empire • media empire • Klingon Empire • Maratha Empire • Empire of Japan • ...
empire + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 34
Empire State • Empire style • Empire Game • Empire State Building • Empire Builder • Empire magazine • Empire Blue Cross • ...
empire + Verb
Kolokacji: 61
Empire strikes • empire falls • empire collapses • empire begins • Empire rules • ...
Verb + empire
Kolokacji: 34
expand one's empire • build an empire • rule the Empire • create an empire • establish an empire • ...
Adjektiv + empire
Kolokacji: 114
British Empire • Russian Empire • Roman Empire • Byzantine Empire • German Empire • Austrian Empire • Spanish Empire • ...
1. British Empire = Imperium brytyjskie British Empire
2. Russian Empire = Imperium Rosyjskie Russian Empire
3. Roman Empire = Imperium Rzymskie Roman Empire
4. Byzantine Empire = Cesarstwo Bizantyjskie, Cesarstwo Bizantyńskie Byzantine Empire
5. German Empire = Niemieckie Imperium German Empire
6. Austrian Empire = Austriackie Imperium Austrian Empire
7. Spanish Empire = Hiszpańskie Imperium Spanish Empire
8. French Empire = Francuskie Imperium French Empire
9. Soviet empire = imperium sowieckie Soviet empire
11. vast empire = olbrzymie imperium vast empire
13. great empire = znakomite imperium great empire
14. Holy Empire = Święte Imperium Holy Empire
15. new empire = nowe imperium new empire
16. evil empire = złe imperium evil empire
17. Indian Empire = Indyjskie Imperium Indian Empire
20. large empire = duże imperium large empire
21. Japanese Empire = Japońskie Imperium Japanese Empire
22. Aztec Empire = Aztek Imperium Aztec Empire
23. old empire = stare imperium old empire
24. American empire = Amerykańskie imperium American empire
26. financial empire = finansowe imperium financial empire
28. whole empire = całe imperium whole empire
29. Chinese Empire = Chińskie Imperium Chinese Empire
  • In its day, the largest and most powerful Empire the world had ever seen.
  • The goal is to become and remain the most powerful empire.
  • They are among the world's largest and most powerful financial empires.
  • The purpose of the game is to create the most powerful empire in the galaxy.
  • This was Europe's most powerful empire in its day.
  • That's the problem with having such a gigantic and powerful empire.
  • This marked an end to the once powerful Empire.
  • Serbia was recognized as the most powerful empire in the Balkans for the next several years.
  • What lies beyond their jump-points could be a vast and powerful empire.
  • The Assyrians came to rule powerful empires a number of times through history.
31. early Empire = pierwsze Imperium early Empire
32. Islamic empire = Islamskie imperium Islamic empire
33. Carolingian Empire = Karoling Imperium Carolingian Empire
34. global empire = światowe imperium global empire
37. European empire = Europejskie imperium European empire
38. criminal empire = przestępcze imperium criminal empire
39. late Roman Empire = późne Imperium Rzymskie late Roman Empire
Präposition + empire
Kolokacji: 19
throughout the Empire • within the Empire • over the Empire • of the Empire • against the Empire • ...

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