"depict" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

depict Verb

depict + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 120
depict scenes • depict figures • depict events • depict characters • depict people • depict images • depict animals • depict a woman • ...
2. depict events = przedstaw wydarzenia depict events
3. depict figures = przedstaw liczby depict figures
4. depict characters = przedstaw charaktery depict characters
5. depict people = przedstaw ludzi depict people
6. depict images = przedstaw obrazy depict images
7. depict animals = przedstaw zwierzęta depict animals
  • Of 6,000 pictures analyzed so far, 27 clearly depicted children under 16.
  • In the corners stand larger figure groups depicting playing children.
  • A photograph depicting children of many colors hangs on a wall.
  • These statues depict soldiers, women and children being cut to pieces.
  • Possession of child pornography, including those depicting real children, is legal in Japan.
  • The five angels depict other children who died in infancy.
  • It is one of many paintings by Chase that depicted his wife and children at ease.
  • He is also noted for paintings which depict women and children engaged in domestic activities.
  • The director, Kaneda, said he did not wish to simply depict modern children as they were.
  • He was also expert at depicting children, finding a universality in their demands.
12. depict landscapes = przedstaw krajobrazy depict landscapes
14. depict subjects = przedstaw tematy depict subjects
15. depict Christ = przedstaw Chrystusa depict Christ
16. depict aspects = przedstaw aspekty depict aspects
Verb + depict
Kolokacji: 3
used to depict • avoid depicting • known depicting
depict + Präposition
Kolokacji: 26
depicted in • depict by • depicted on • depict with • depict at • ...
depict + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 41
frequently depicted • accurately depict • generally depicted • graphically depict • commonly depicted • ...

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