"briefly" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

briefly Adverb

Verb + briefly
Kolokacji: 224
return briefly • briefly consider • briefly mentioned • briefly serve • briefly play • briefly work • briefly appear • briefly hold • ...
  • Instead, he briefly worked as a war correspondent, writing human interest stories about the troops.
  • Again working quickly and briefly, try writing a beginning that opens either earlier or later than the fight itself.
  • Probably not the poorest individuals, but the ones who worked only briefly in 1975.
  • Then he briefly worked in a local theater as a set designer.
  • Continuing her musical studies, she briefly worked for a bank.
  • After reaching age 18, she briefly worked as a model for magazines.
  • My mother, who had worked briefly as a secretary before marriage, got a job with a national hotel chain.
  • After graduation, he briefly worked as a journalist for M8.
  • He held a succession of odd jobs, working briefly as a model.
  • He briefly worked as a teacher and bartender before moving to writing full-time.
6. briefly play = pokrótce zagraj briefly play
7. briefly appear = pokrótce pojaw się briefly appear
8. briefly seen = pokrótce zobaczony briefly seen
9. briefly hold = pokrótce trzymaj briefly hold
10. briefly attend = pokrótce bądź obecnym briefly attend
14. move briefly = rusz się krótko move briefly
15. briefly noted = pokrótce zauważyć briefly noted
16. briefly join = pokrótce dołącz briefly join
17. briefly imprisoned = pokrótce zamknąć w więzieniu briefly imprisoned
18. briefly run = pokrótce pobiec briefly run
19. glance briefly = spojrzenie pokrótce glance briefly
20. briefly detained = pokrótce zatrzymać briefly detained
22. stop briefly = zatrzymaj się krótko stop briefly
23. look briefly = spojrzyj krótko look briefly
24. briefly meet = pokrótce spotkaj briefly meet
25. pause briefly = pauza pokrótce pause briefly
26. briefly used = pokrótce używany briefly used
28. briefly take = pokrótce weź briefly take
29. smile briefly = uśmiech pokrótce smile briefly
30. briefly known = pokrótce znany briefly known
32. briefly go = pokrótce pójdź briefly go
33. think briefly = pomyśl krótko think briefly
34. briefly close = pokrótce blisko briefly close
35. wonder briefly = zastanawiaj się krótko wonder briefly
36. briefly revived = pokrótce odzyskać przytomność briefly revived
37. turn briefly = obróć się krótko turn briefly
38. briefly leave = pokrótce wyjdź briefly leave
39. briefly arrested = pokrótce zaaresztować briefly arrested
40. briefly engaged = pokrótce zainteresować briefly engaged

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