"birth" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

birth Substantiv

Substantiv + birth
Kolokacji: 12
birth of one's child • birth of one's son • birth of one's daughter • birth of Christ • birth of Jesus • ...
birth + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 46
birth control • birth certificate • birth defect • birth rate • birth date • birth mother • birth weight • birth name • birth year • ...
1. birth control = antykoncepcja, kontrola urodzeń, regulacja urodzeń, zapobieganie ciąży birth control
2. birth certificate = metryka urodzenia, świadectwo urodzenia birth certificate
3. birth defect = wada wrodzona, wada płodu birth defect
  • I want to find out now if my baby has any birth defects.
  • I don't need to know right now if my baby has birth defects.
  • Just one woman in the control group had a baby with a major birth defect.
  • They say this would cut the number of these birth defects in half.
  • It can cause birth defects and other serious health problems.
  • Other drugs may also have some risk of birth defects.
  • My husband and I don't have any risk factors for having a child with other birth defects.
  • They may show that the baby is fine when he or she does have a birth defect.
  • This means that it is known to have the potential to cause birth defects.
  • Some may slightly increase the risk of certain birth defects.
4. birth rate = współczynnik urodzeń birth rate
5. birth date = data urodzenia birth date
6. birth mother = matka biologiczna, rodzicielka, rodzona matka birth mother
7. birth weight = masa urodzeniowa birth weight
8. birth name = imię narodzin birth name
9. birth year = rok narodzin birth year
10. birth parent = rodzic biologiczny birth parent
11. birth control pill = tabletka antykoncepcyjna, pigułka antykoncepcyjna birth control pill
12. birth canal = kanał rodny, drogi rodne birth canal
13. birth record = narodziny zapis birth record
14. birth place = miejsce narodzin birth place
15. birth control method = metoda kontroli urodzin birth control method
16. birth attendant = szatniarz narodzin birth attendant
17. birth abortion = narodziny przerwanie ciąży birth abortion
18. birth anniversary = narodziny rocznica birth anniversary
19. birth father = biologiczny ojciec birth father
20. birth order = porządek narodzin birth order
birth + Verb
Kolokacji: 8
birth accounts • birth occurs • birth takes • birth comes • birth coincides • ...
Verb + birth
Kolokacji: 23
give birth • celebrate the birth • die after birth • die before one's birth • see the birth • ...
Adjektiv + birth
Kolokacji: 41
live birth • noble birth • premature birth • virgin birth • new birth • ...
Präposition + birth
Kolokacji: 21
since birth • at birth • from birth • by birth • of birth • ...

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