"behavior" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

behavior Substantiv

Substantiv + behavior
Kolokacji: 60
animal behavior • consumer behavior • group behavior • police behavior • student behavior • ...
behavior + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 14
behavior pattern • behavior change • behavior problem • behavior therapy • behavior modification • ...
behavior + Verb
Kolokacji: 70
behavior makes • behavior leads • behavior causes • behavior changes • behavior occurs • ...
Verb + behavior
Kolokacji: 119
exhibit behavior • affect behavior • influence behavior • display behavior • predict behavior • cause behavior • understand behavior • ...
Adjektiv + behavior
Kolokacji: 457
human behavior • sexual behavior • bad behavior • social behavior • criminal behavior • aggressive behavior • violent behavior • ...
Präposition + behavior
Kolokacji: 28
of behavior • between behavior • about one's behavior • by one's behavior • at one's behavior • ...
1. through behavior = przez zachowanie through behavior
2. including behavior = w tym zachowanie including behavior
3. because of one's behavior = z powodu czyjś zachowanie because of one's behavior
4. against behavior = przeciwko zachowaniu against behavior
6. despite one's behavior = pomimo czyjś zachowanie despite one's behavior
7. behind one's behavior = z tyłu czyjś zachowanie behind one's behavior
8. upon behavior = na zachowaniu upon behavior
9. toward behavior = w kierunku zachowania toward behavior
10. after one's behavior = potem czyjś zachowanie after one's behavior
11. concerning one's behavior = dotycząc czyjś zachowanie concerning one's behavior
12. that behavior = to zachowanie that behavior
13. towards behaviour = w kierunku zachowania towards behaviour
  • From the early 1950s, Bruce turned her attentions towards sexual behaviour in rodents, particularly the Whitten effect.
  • She also seems to have a distinct hatred towards snob-like behaviour and spoilt children.
  • Raised by peas (no further explanation is given), Stanley has a tendency towards obsessive behaviour, coupled with violent incidents when under stress.
  • We can tip the majority of them towards reasonable behaviour.
  • A tendency towards rather flighty behaviour in the breed is being overcome by careful selection.
  • Nevertheless, leadership style contributes towards such behaviour.
  • A proud self-image is the strongest incentive you can have towards correct behaviour.
  • What is her attitude towards tantrums or bad behaviour and what action would she take on your behalf?
  • "And despite our strides towards true civilized behaviour, it can prove a stimulus for us as well: a primitive, disgusting but valid reaction."
  • The reformers accepted Malthus's analysis but not what they regarded as his negative attitude towards working-class behaviour.
14. such as behavior = taki jak zachowanie such as behavior

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